- 3-V to 18-V Input Voltage Range
- High Output Voltage: Up to 38 V
- 1.2-A Integrated Switch
- 1.2-MHz Fixed Switching Frequency
- 12 V at 300 mA and 24 V at 150 mA From
5-V Input (Typical) - Up to 93% Efficiency
- Output Voltage Reprogramming
- Skip-Switching Cycle for Output
Regulation at Light Load - Built-in Soft Start
- 6-Pin, 2-mm × 2-mm QFN Package
The TPS61170 is a monolithic, high-voltage switching regulator with integrated 1.2-A, 40-V power MOSFET. The device can be configured in several standard switching-regulator topologies, including boost and SEPIC. The device has a wide input-voltage range to support applications with input voltage from multicell batteries or regulated 5-V, 12-V power rails.
The TPS61170 operates at a 1.2-MHz switching frequency, allowing the use of low-profile inductors and low-value ceramic input and output capacitors. External loop compensation components give the user flexibility to optimize loop compensation and transient response. The device has built-in protection features, such as pulse-by-pulse overcurrent limit, soft start, and thermal shutdown.
The FB pin regulates to a reference voltage of 1.229 V. The reference voltage can be lowered using a 1-wire digital interface (Easyscale™ protocol) through the CTRL pin. Alternatively, a pulse width-modulation (PWM) signal can be applied to the CTRL pin. The duty cycle of the signal reduces the feedback reference voltage proportionally.
The TPS61170 is available in a 6-pin 2-mm × 2-mm QFN package, allowing a compact power-supply solution.
TPS61170EVM-280 — TPS61170 12V 输入、24V 输出、0.34A 评估模块
The TPS61170EVM-280 facilitates evaluation of the TPS61170 High Voltage 1.2 A Boost Converter. The TPS61170 is monolithic high voltage switching regulator. It can be operated in several of the standard switching configurations, including boost and SEPIC. The 1.2 A, 40 V high (...)
TPS61170EVM-316 — TPS61170EVM-316 评估模块
TPS6116XEVM-SW — TPS6116x 评估模块的软件
TPS61170 Unencrypted PSPICE Transient Model Package (Rev. A)
TIDA-00626 — 采用集成合成器并具有毛刺抑制功能的 9.8GHz RF CW 信号发生器参考设计
TIDA-010009 — 适用于伺服驱动器且具有紧凑结构和较高效率的 24V 输入辅助电源参考设计
TIDA-00231 — 针对 PLC 模拟输出模块的自适应电源,具有输出通道保护
TIDA-00304 — 断电保持能源存储解决方案
通常需要使用复杂的电子电路来升高输入电压,在电源故障期间将其与降压输入进行多路复用,并为负载将其降压到 3.3V 或 5V。
此参考设计在输入端采用 TI 的 TPS25942 来控制浪涌、提供过压、欠压和短路保护并防止存储的能量流回短路的输入总线。升压转换器将电容器组充电到 12V(如果输入电压为 5V)或 18V(如果输入电压为 12V)。当 (...)
封装 | 引脚 | CAD 符号、封装和 3D 模型 |
WSON (DRV) | 6 | Ultra Librarian |
- RoHS
- 器件标识
- 引脚镀层/焊球材料
- MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度
- MTBF/时基故障估算
- 材料成分
- 鉴定摘要
- 持续可靠性监测
- 制造厂地点
- 封装厂地点