主页 电源管理 LED 驱动器 汽车 LED 驱动器



用于驱动 LED、具有热折返功能的汽车类恒流 N 沟道控制器


Number of channels 1 Topology Boost Controller, Buck-Boost Controller, SEPIC Controller Rating Automotive Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Vin (min) (V) 4.5 Vin (max) (V) 75 Vout (min) (V) 3 Vout (max) (V) 72 Iout (max) (A) 5 Iq (typ) (mA) 2 Switching frequency (max) (kHz) 2000 Features Adjustable Switch Frequency, Enable/Shutdown, Power good, Soft Start, Synchronization Pin, Thermal shutdown
Number of channels 1 Topology Boost Controller, Buck-Boost Controller, SEPIC Controller Rating Automotive Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Vin (min) (V) 4.5 Vin (max) (V) 75 Vout (min) (V) 3 Vout (max) (V) 72 Iout (max) (A) 5 Iq (typ) (mA) 2 Switching frequency (max) (kHz) 2000 Features Adjustable Switch Frequency, Enable/Shutdown, Power good, Soft Start, Synchronization Pin, Thermal shutdown
HTSSOP (PWP) 20 41.6 mm² 6.5 x 6.4
  • AEC Qualified for automotive applications
    • Device temperature grade 1: −40°C ≤ TA ≤ 125°C
  • VIN range from 4.5 V to 75 V
  • High-side adjustable current sense
  • 2-Ω, 1-A peak MOSFET gate driver
  • Input undervoltage and output overvoltage protection
  • PWM and analog dimming
  • Cycle-by-cycle current limit
  • Programmable soft-start and slope compensation
  • Programmable, synchronizable switching frequency
  • Programmable thermal foldback
  • Precision voltage reference
  • Low-power shutdown and thermal shutdown
  • AEC Qualified for automotive applications
    • Device temperature grade 1: −40°C ≤ TA ≤ 125°C
  • VIN range from 4.5 V to 75 V
  • High-side adjustable current sense
  • 2-Ω, 1-A peak MOSFET gate driver
  • Input undervoltage and output overvoltage protection
  • PWM and analog dimming
  • Cycle-by-cycle current limit
  • Programmable soft-start and slope compensation
  • Programmable, synchronizable switching frequency
  • Programmable thermal foldback
  • Precision voltage reference
  • Low-power shutdown and thermal shutdown

The LM3424-Q1 is a versatile high voltage N-channel MOSFET controller for LED drivers. It can be easily configured in buck, boost, buck-boost and SEPIC topologies. In addition, the LM3424-Q1 includes a thermal foldback feature for temperature management of the LEDs. This flexibility, along with an input voltage rating of 75 V, makes the LM3424-Q1 ideal for illuminating LEDs in a large family of applications.

Adjustable high-side current sense allows for tight regulation of the LED current with the highest efficiency possible. The LM3424-Q1 uses standard peak current-mode control providing inherent input voltage feed-forward compensation for better noise immunity. It is designed to provide accurate thermal foldback with a programmable foldback breakpoint and slope. In addition, a 2.45V reference is provided.

The LM3424-Q1 includes a high-voltage startup regulator that operates over a wide input range of 4.5 V to 75 V. The internal PWM controller is designed for adjustable switching frequencies of up to 2.0 MHz and external synchronization is possible. The controller is capable of high speed PWM dimming and analog dimming.

The LM3424-Q1 is a versatile high voltage N-channel MOSFET controller for LED drivers. It can be easily configured in buck, boost, buck-boost and SEPIC topologies. In addition, the LM3424-Q1 includes a thermal foldback feature for temperature management of the LEDs. This flexibility, along with an input voltage rating of 75 V, makes the LM3424-Q1 ideal for illuminating LEDs in a large family of applications.

Adjustable high-side current sense allows for tight regulation of the LED current with the highest efficiency possible. The LM3424-Q1 uses standard peak current-mode control providing inherent input voltage feed-forward compensation for better noise immunity. It is designed to provide accurate thermal foldback with a programmable foldback breakpoint and slope. In addition, a 2.45V reference is provided.

The LM3424-Q1 includes a high-voltage startup regulator that operates over a wide input range of 4.5 V to 75 V. The internal PWM controller is designed for adjustable switching frequencies of up to 2.0 MHz and external synchronization is possible. The controller is capable of high speed PWM dimming and analog dimming.

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open-in-new 比较替代产品
TPS92692-Q1 正在供货 具有扩频频率调制功能和内部 PWM 发生器的高精度 LED 控制器 This product is a multi-topology low-side NFET LED controller with spread spectrum capability. It supports both analog and PWM dimming (with external P-FET).


star =有关此产品的 TI 精选热门文档
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类型 标题 下载最新的英语版本 日期
* 数据表 LM3424-Q1 Constant Current N-channel Controller with Thermal Foldback For Driving LEDs 数据表 PDF | HTML 2019年 7月 31日
白皮书 LED Drivers for Automotive Exterior Applications (Rev. B) 2018年 3月 27日
技术文章 Lighting the road ahead: LEDs in automotive front lighting PDF | HTML 2016年 9月 29日
应用手册 AN-1656 Design Challenges of Switching LED Drivers (Rev. A) 2013年 5月 3日
EVM 用户指南 AN-1967 LM3424 Buck-Boost Evaluation Board (Rev. A) 2013年 5月 3日
EVM 用户指南 AN-1969 LM3424 Boost Evaluation Board (Rev. A) 2013年 5月 3日
应用手册 AN-1982 Small, Wide Input Voltage Range LM2842 Keeps LEDs Cool (Rev. A) 2013年 4月 23日
用户指南 Ambient Light Adaptive LED Driver User Guide 2012年 1月 27日
应用手册 Application Note 1656 Design Challenges of Switching LED Drivers (cn) 最新英语版本 (Rev.A) 2007年 10月 18日




LM3424BKBSTEVAL — LM3424 降压升压评估板

This wide range evaluation board showcases the LM3424 NFET controller used with a buck-boost current regulator. It is designed to drive 4 to 10 LEDs at a maximum average LED current of 1A from a DC input voltage of 10 to 70V. The evaluation board showcases many of the LM3424 features including (...)

用户指南: PDF
TI.com 上无现货

LM3424BSTEVAL — LM3424 升压评估板

This evaluation board showcases the LM3424 NFET controller used with a boost current regulator. It is designed to drive 9 to 12 LEDs at a maximum average LED current of 1A from a DC input voltage of 10 to 26V. The evaluation board showcases many of the LM3424 features including thermal foldback, (...)

用户指南: PDF
TI.com 上无现货

LM3424 PSpice Transient Model

SNVMA72.ZIP (102 KB) - PSpice Model

Ambient Light Adaptive LED Driver CAD Files

SNVC025.ZIP (123 KB)

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在 PSpice for TI 设计和仿真工具中,您可以搜索 TI (...)
封装 引脚 CAD 符号、封装和 3D 模型
HTSSOP (PWP) 20 Ultra Librarian


  • RoHS
  • 器件标识
  • 引脚镀层/焊球材料
  • MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度
  • MTBF/时基故障估算
  • 材料成分
  • 鉴定摘要
  • 持续可靠性监测
  • 制造厂地点
  • 封装厂地点

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