
Control interface Hardware (GPIO) Control mode PWM Vs (max) (V) 60 Vs (min) (V) 8.2 Vs ABS (max) (V) 65 Peak output current (A) 2.3 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Rating Catalog Topology LSS
Control interface Hardware (GPIO) Control mode PWM Vs (max) (V) 60 Vs (min) (V) 8.2 Vs ABS (max) (V) 65 Peak output current (A) 2.3 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Rating Catalog Topology LSS
HTSSOP (PWP) 16 32 mm² 5 x 6.4 SOIC (DW) 20 131.84 mm² 12.8 x 10.3 SOT-23-THN (DYZ) 16 8.4 mm² 4.2 x 2
  • 4-Channel Protected Low-Side Driver
    • Four NMOS FETs With Overcurrent Protection
    • Integrated Inductive Clamp Diodes
    • Parallel Interface
  • DW Package: 1.5A (Single Channel On) / 800mA (Four Channels On) Maximum Drive Current per Channel (at 25°C)
  • PWP Package: 2A (Single Channel On) / 1A (Four Channels On) Maximum Drive Current per Channel (at 25°C, With Proper PCB Heatsinking)
  • DYZ Package: 1.9A (Single Channel On) / 0.9A (Four Channels On) Maximum Drive Current per Channel (at 25°C, With Proper PCB Heatsinking)
  • 8.2V to 60V Operating Supply Voltage Range
  • Thermally Enhanced Surface Mount Package
  • 4-Channel Protected Low-Side Driver
    • Four NMOS FETs With Overcurrent Protection
    • Integrated Inductive Clamp Diodes
    • Parallel Interface
  • DW Package: 1.5A (Single Channel On) / 800mA (Four Channels On) Maximum Drive Current per Channel (at 25°C)
  • PWP Package: 2A (Single Channel On) / 1A (Four Channels On) Maximum Drive Current per Channel (at 25°C, With Proper PCB Heatsinking)
  • DYZ Package: 1.9A (Single Channel On) / 0.9A (Four Channels On) Maximum Drive Current per Channel (at 25°C, With Proper PCB Heatsinking)
  • 8.2V to 60V Operating Supply Voltage Range
  • Thermally Enhanced Surface Mount Package

The DRV8803 provides a 4-channel low side driver with overcurrent protection. The device has built-in diodes to clamp turnoff transients generated by inductive loads and can be used to drive unipolar stepper motors, DC motors, relays, solenoids, or other loads.

In the SOIC (DW) package, the DRV8803 can supply up to 1.5A (one channel on) or 800mA (all channels on) continuous output current per channel, at 25°C. In the HTSSOP (PWP) package, the device can supply up to 2A (one channel on) or 1A (four channels on) continuous output current per channel, at 25°C . In the SOT-23-THN (DYZ) package, the DRV8803 can supply up to 1.9A (one channel on) or 900mA (all channels on) continuous output current per channel, at 25°C with proper PCB heatsinking.

The device is controlled through a simple parallel interface.

Internal shutdown functions are provided for over current protection, short circuit protection, undervoltage lockout and overtemperature and faults are indicated by a fault output pin.

The DRV8803 is available in a 20-pin thermally-enhanced SOIC package, 16-pin HTSSOP package and 16-pin SOT-23-THN package (Eco-friendly: RoHS & no Sb/Br).

The DRV8803 provides a 4-channel low side driver with overcurrent protection. The device has built-in diodes to clamp turnoff transients generated by inductive loads and can be used to drive unipolar stepper motors, DC motors, relays, solenoids, or other loads.

In the SOIC (DW) package, the DRV8803 can supply up to 1.5A (one channel on) or 800mA (all channels on) continuous output current per channel, at 25°C. In the HTSSOP (PWP) package, the device can supply up to 2A (one channel on) or 1A (four channels on) continuous output current per channel, at 25°C . In the SOT-23-THN (DYZ) package, the DRV8803 can supply up to 1.9A (one channel on) or 900mA (all channels on) continuous output current per channel, at 25°C with proper PCB heatsinking.

The device is controlled through a simple parallel interface.

Internal shutdown functions are provided for over current protection, short circuit protection, undervoltage lockout and overtemperature and faults are indicated by a fault output pin.

The DRV8803 is available in a 20-pin thermally-enhanced SOIC package, 16-pin HTSSOP package and 16-pin SOT-23-THN package (Eco-friendly: RoHS & no Sb/Br).

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DRV8803EVM — DRV8803 评估模块

DRV8803 评估模块包含一个采用并联控制接口的四通道低侧电机驱动器,可用于驱动单极步进电机、多达四个直流电机或螺线管等其他负载。凭借 DRV8803EVM,设计人员能在其特定应用中快速、轻松地评估 DRV8803 电机驱动器的性能。该 EVM 附带一个已预编程为独立运行的板载 MSP430 微处理器。由 TPS7A4001 提供 MSP430 调节电压。该 EVM 可在 8.2V 至 60V 的电源电压下运行。

用户指南: PDF
TI.com 上无现货

TIDA-00737 — 面向自动功率因数控制器的电容组控制和 HMI 子系统参考设计

此参考设计演示了 MV/LV 配电中自动功率因数控制器 (PFC) 各种功能块的工作原理。包括准确测量和计算电压、电流、功率和功率因数,使用四位七段显示器来显示测量参数,使用 LED 进行警报和状态指示,使用驱动接触器或晶闸管的开关输出来开关电容器组,以及使用我们产品系列中的各种产品来监测本地和远程温度。
设计指南: PDF
原理图: PDF

TIDA-010008 — 用于针对电网应用提供瞬态保护且基于平缓钳位 TVS 的参考设计

该参考设计采用多种方法,使用平缓钳位浪涌保护措施、ESD 器件、电子保险丝或负载开关,来保护交流或直流模拟输入、直流模拟输出、交流或直流二进制输入、带高侧或低侧驱动器的数字输出、LCD 偏置电源、USB 接口(电源和数据)和具有 24、12 或 5V 输入的板载电源(用于多个电网应用),使其免受过压、过载和瞬变(1.2/50us,42Ω)的影响。该设计监测温度、湿度、磁场和电源以进行诊断。
设计指南: PDF
原理图: PDF

TIDA-00319 — 高速数字输出 PLC 模块参考设计

这一面向可编程逻辑控制器 (PLC) 的高速数字输出参考设计展示了简单的低成本高速单端数字输出模块,该模块使用标准低侧驱动器,并使用隔离式功率级通过背板供电。高速数字输出模块在电机控制和定位应用中必不可少。
设计指南: PDF
原理图: PDF

TIDA-00320 — 用于 PLC 的 8 通道并行 0.5A 低侧数字输出模块

数字输出模块是一种位于 PLC/PAC 或 DCS 中的标准组件,用于控制传动器、电机以及其他电阻、电容或电感负载。客户将受益于这种具有并行接口的集成式保护型低侧驱动器,因为它使 MCU 接口与 Beaglebone Black 一起非常方便测试。此设计具有尺寸小的特点,能够在所有 8 个通道上提供 0.5A 而不影响热管理
设计指南: PDF
原理图: PDF
封装 引脚 CAD 符号、封装和 3D 模型
HTSSOP (PWP) 16 Ultra Librarian
SOIC (DW) 20 Ultra Librarian
SOT-23-THN (DYZ) 16 Ultra Librarian


  • RoHS
  • 器件标识
  • 引脚镀层/焊球材料
  • MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度
  • MTBF/时基故障估算
  • 材料成分
  • 鉴定摘要
  • 持续可靠性监测
  • 制造厂地点
  • 封装厂地点

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